The Big Debt Collection Blog

For a healthy & balanced cash flow

5 warning signs that your business is failing

5 warning signs that your business is failing 609 640 Raya

There’s a fragile line between a business that is failing and one that has temporary cash-flow issues. Companies do not fail overnight. Instead, in many cases, some warning signs can…

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How to get rid of late payments in your business?

How to get rid of late payments in your business? 640 426 Raya

Anyone who has ever run a business knows that healthy cash flow is the key to business prosperity. One of the common reasons for unhealthy cash flow is late payments.…

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Why legal collection fees so high?

Why legal collection fees so high? 640 415 Raya

This question may have many answers, yet many keep wondering why the legal collection fees are so expensive; 30-50 percent of the original debt. The answer is straightforward; Like Lawyers,…

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Automation – hot trend in debt collection industry

Automation – hot trend in debt collection industry 640 390 Raya

What is going on in the debt collection industry? The collection industry is moving on to adopting technology solutions. Therefore, the sector recognizing better the high business value that technology…

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How can technology help in debt recovery?

How can technology help in debt recovery? 640 426 Raya

The best way to recover bad debts is to avoid bad debts. In most cases, orderly Invoicing and chasing payment should help keep cash flow healthy. But sometimes friendly reminders…

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What is between debt collection and debt recovery?

What is between debt collection and debt recovery? 640 362 Raya

Debt recovery and debt collection are similar terms with one small, but crucial distinction. The difference is who is trying to retrieve the debt. Debt collection is when a customer…

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Debt rcovery wisdom

Debt rcovery wisdom 640 406 Raya

If you are a business owner, you might find out that sometimes customers don’t pay. Eventually, you will find yourself dealing with a customer that has no intention to pay.…

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How can I legally collect a debt?

How can I legally collect a debt? 640 426 Raya

If you own a small business, you may wonder how you can legally collect a debt. Besides, you know that the collection task is challenging and one of the main…

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Small business owners love technology but don’t use it

Small business owners love technology but don’t use it 640 426 Raya

Small business owners use gadgets and technology for their personal use. They follow their friends and family in social media apps, hear music, pay bills, use navigation apps while driving…

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Successfully automate your small business

Successfully automate your small business 640 427 Raya

There is no dought; it is time to automate and take your business to the next level. Just think about all the resources you can save by using a new…

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